AER Members Supported NICT 800Gbps High-Speed Data Transfer Experiment At SC24

30 Dec 2024 – The AER members played an important role in enabling the high-speed transfers In the recent SuperComputing 2024 Conference held in Atlanta Georgia on 17 – 22 Nov 2024. NICT conducted a high-speed 800 Gbps data transfer experiment using NII’s high-speed data transfer tool, Massively Multi-Connections file transfer protocol (MMCFTP)1. Data was routed from Tokyo to Atlanta using multiple 100Gbps routes, the longest route was the Tokyo-Singapore-Marseille-Basilli-Atlanta, assembled from various global Research and Education networks2 as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 NICT 10 x 100Gbps routes assembled from various R&E networks (courtesy of NICT)

Figure 2 shows the overall traffic volume of the three 100 Gbps lines that were hosted at SingAREN during the November 21–22, 2024, demonstration.

Please refer to the NICT published report outlining the experiment’s findings and analysis in this link.3

Figure 2 Snapshot of captured total traffic volume of the three 100 Gbps lines hosted by SingAREN during SC24

This exercise showcases the seamless teamwork between the international R&E partnership to accomplish a common goal – to advance innovation and challenge the boundaries of connectivity! AER is proud to be a part of this important progress!


  1. Abstract of the demonstration in detail – NRE14: “MMCFTP’s data transfer experiment using ten 100Gbps lines between Japan and USA” by NII”
  2. Massively Multi-Connections file transfer protocol (MMCFTP)
  3. NICT’s Integrated Testbed website ( and the original report can be found in this link